Anti-Download Bypassing - Avoiding Detours!

Since I’ve been getting a few questions about the matter, I thought I’d take some time to talk about anti-download bypassing, and what it actually means. You may have noticed that recently when attempting to place-shift your videos, cookies seem to be expiring sooner than expected. Apparently sometime during the last month or so, something was changed so that captured cookies expire sooner rather than later. Occasionally, this can happen even after a single download or two! No doubt, I can only assume this change was made to make place-shifting more difficult. While it is trivial to recapture cookie information, it is never the less still annoying for users.

In order to combat this behavior, special code has been developed that mitigates this issue so that cookies stay fresher, longer! Unfortunately, since these changes rely on a totally different/updated back-end design, they are not compatible with the branch of Jav-It. To be clear, place-shifting your videos works just as fine as it always has. It’s just that now your cookies may become stale a bit sooner than desired. (^_^);

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